Wednesday, September 20, 2006

Progress on Cartload - II

Some more updates from my end over the last two days are presented here. I got done with two more colours. As usual, the latest version is on top.

Time spent on the kit for marking out and stitching up the above areas: 4 hours (approx.)
Cumulative time spent on the kit: 21.5 hours (approx.)

Time spent on the kit for marking out and stitching up the above areas: 1.5 hours (approx.)
Cumulative time spent on the kit: 17.5 hours (approx.)

1 comment:

Rekha said...

On the whole, the red looks predominant. But I'll wait before I see the completed work with all the right colors in the right place.. :)
Btw, am still supposedly working hard..