Tuesday, September 26, 2006

Visit to JoAnn

The last few days were spent in searching the internet up and down for stores where I would be able to buy the thread of the shade I had ended up short on (mentioned in my previous blog entry).

The thread shade in question was Anchor Shade No. 888, and to my consternation, I found that there were no retailers for Anchor in the US! I consulted a few of my friends who are into art work here, and they suggested that I look for such items either in Michaels or JoAnn. I found out that embroidery thread was being sold in JoAnn. However, they stocked thread from DMC only. I now had to look up the particular shade that I was interested in and find out the DMC series number. Fortunately, Googling helped me discover a site hosting the Anchor to DMC conversion chart! I found out that I needed to pick up DMC Shade No. 3045.

Fortunately, there was a JoAnn outlet in a shopping centre reachable by public transport (since I am still debating on when to go ahead with a car purchase!), and I managed to pick up the required item on the way back home from work. I also picked up a small cross-stitch kit which will come up on this blog once I am done with the present long-stitch kit.

Photographs of the progress on the Cartload kit will continue in the next post!

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